
Click to view a comprehensive list of all Settings
# Core Levelling Setings
  minLevel: 1
  maxLevel: 50
  construct-level: '%weighted-random%'

# Nametag related Settings
  nametag: ' %tiered%Lvl %mob-lvl% &8&l༺ &f%displayname%&8 &8&l༻ &f%entity-health-rounded%&8/&f%entity-max-health-rounded% %tiered%%heart_symbol% '
  nametag-visible-time: 5s
  nametag-placeholder-unlevelled: ''
  nametag-placeholder-levelled: ''
  nametag-visibility-method: ['TARGETED', 'TRACKING', 'ATTACKED']
  creature-death-nametag: '%tiered%Lvl %mob-lvl%&8 | &f%displayname%'
    1: ['%player% was killed by %death_nametag%!']

# Custom Name Settings
    SKELETON: 'Jack Skellington'
    all_entities: 'Spawner %displayname%'

      SKELETON: ['Verta Brae', 'Billy Bones']

# Nametag Health Indicator Settings
    indicator: '█'
    indicator-half: '▌'
    scale: 4
    max: 5
      tier-1: '&#22E76B' #Green
      tier-2: '&#528CFF' #Blue
      tier-3: '&#FFCD56' #Yellow
      tier-4: '&#FE803C' #Orange
      tier-5: '&#F2003D' #Red
      tier-6: '&#B447FF' #Purple
      tier-X: '#COLOR' # Example Syntax
      default: '&#FFFFFF' #White
    merge: true

# CustomDrop Settings
  use-custom-item-drops-for-mobs: true
  use-droptable-id: ''

# Level Inheritace Settings
  baby-mobs-inherit-adult-setting: true
  transforming-mobs-inherit-level: true
  riding-passengers-match-vehicle-level: false

# Custom Mob Attribute Settings
  creeper-max-damage-radius: 3
#   Stacked Multipliers Method
    use-stacked: true
    max-health: ['5.0', 'STACKED']
#   Custom Formula Method
    max-health: '%max-health% + (%level% * %max-health% * 0.25)'
#   Default Multiplier Method
    max-health: 5.0
    movement-speed: 0.15
    attack-damage: 2.25
    ranged-attack-damage: 2.0
    creeper-blast-damage: 1.0
    follow-range: 0
    item-drop: 3
    xp-drop: 5
#   Special Multipliers (0.0 Min - 1.0 Max)
    armor-bonus: 0.25
    armor-toughness: 0.15
    attack-knockback: 0.25
    knockback-resistance: 0.2
    zombie-spawn-reinforcements: 0.25

    vanilla-bonus: ['']
        max-health: 5.0
        movement-speed: 0.15
        attack-damage: 2.25
        ranged-attack-damage: 2.0
        creeper-blast-damage: 1.0
        item-drop: 3
        xp-drop: 5

# Deaths in Chunks Settings
  maximum-death-in-chunk-threshold: 0
  max-adjacent-chunks: 3
  chunk-max-cooldown-seconds: 300
  disable-vanilla-drops-on-chunk-max: false
  disable-item-boost-on-chunk-max: true
  disable-xp-boost-on-chunk-max: true

# Miscellaneous Settings
  nbt-data: ''
  sunlight-intensity: 5

    1-5: '&#22E76B' #Green
    6-10: '&#528CFF' #Blue
    11-15: '&#FFCD56' #Yellow
    16-20: '&#F2003D' #Red
    21-25: '&#B447FF' #Purple
    X-Y: '#COLOR' # Example Syntax
    default: '&#FFFFFF' #White

  spawner-particles: 'SOUL'
  spawner-particles-count: 10

  lock-entity: false

Attribute Modifiers

The Attribute Modifiers of LevelledMobs are how the attributes themselves are edited. We provide three distinct methods to achieve this: default, stacked, and custom.

The Default method is how LevelledMobs has always applied multipliers. Below represents the formula being used; the first being standard, the second being 'special':

* 'Special' refers to Special Attribute Modifiers which have a maximum in-game value compared to the others which do not.

The values of the formula above are:

newAttr     - The final applied attribute value.
origAttr    - The original attribute value assigned to mob.
configValue - The value taken from the Rules configuration.
mobLevel    - The current applied level of the mob.
maxLevel    - The maximum level the mob could receive as assigned from the Rules.
attrMax     - The maximum value of the attribute (Special Attributes only).

For Special Attributes, the attrMax or 'Attribute Maximum' represents the maximum value of this Minecraft attribute. These special modifiers are unique in that they have a specified cap value compared to the other non special modifiers which in theory have no cap. That means that these are setup to be a 'percent of max' setup. The values of this are as follows:

armor-bonus                 - 30.0
armor-toughness             - 20.0
attack-knockback            - 5.0
knockback-resistance        - 1.0
zombie-spawn-reinforcements - 1.0

An example of the syntax used to implement this method is as follows:

max-health: 5.0
armor-bonus: 0.5

For the first line, the sample says that 'when at max level, give the entity a 5x or 500% increase in the max-health attribute'. Entities that are not at max level receive an equal portion based on the max level. For the second line, the sample says that 'when at max level, use 50% of the attributes' max value'. That is because it is a special attribute which had to be measured as a 'percent to max attribute value' rather than the standard method.

The Stacked method is an alternative default formula which allows you to say that, for every level the specified attribute would increase by a specified amount. This overrides the Special Attributes formula as well, however the cap imposed on each of the special attribute by Minecraft is still in force. An example of the syntax used to implement this method is as follows:

max-health: ['5.0', 'STACKED']

The final newer method for attribute calculation is the Custom formula. This allows you to craft your own formula to determine how the attribute is modified. The value you're crafting is being added to the default applied amount, and makes heavy use of the Placeholders system to construct a fluid mix of numbers to form a final value in a similar way that Construct-Level builds the final applied level. An example of the syntax used to implement this method is as follows:

max-health: '%max-health% + (%level% * (%max-health% * 0.25))'

Deaths in Chunks System

This system contains a set of settings which control how it works.

  maximum-death-in-chunk-threshold: 15
  max-adjacent-chunks: 5
  chunk-max-cooldown-seconds: 10m
  disable-vanilla-drops-on-chunk-max: false
  disable-item-boost-on-chunk-max: true
  disable-xp-boost-on-chunk-max: true

These settings allow LevelledMobs to limit or stop entirely the Custom Drops or Item and Experience boosts typically or otherwise given to a player in a certain area measured in chunks where there have been a higher than average number of mob deaths in the same chunk. This is typically done by player farms or other stationary or small area kill-zones. When any player breaches the threshold of mobs killed within the specified time in the same chunk, a cooldown timer will apply to the affected chunks and any specified adjacent chunks which will limit the drops and experience points of the mobs which die in those chunks until the cooldown expires and the chunk is reset.

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