⚙️For Developers

For assistance, please visit the support discord.

Direct Links to Sonatype and the Maven Repositories https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/io.github.arcaneplugins/levelledmobs-plugin https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.github.arcaneplugins/levelledmobs-plugin


1] Add the Repository:

    <id>Central Sonatype</id>

2] Add the LevelledMobs dependency:


** Make sure to replace X.X.X with the latest version of LevelledMobs, as referenced here.

Access the LevelledMobs processing

Obtaining the Level of a Mob without using the API

Mob levels are stored in the Persistent Data Container (PDC). You can obtain the level without using the LevelledMobs API by using code similar this:

Simplified Solution

    public int getMobLevel(LivingEntity livingEntity){
        Plugin levelledMobsPlugin = Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("LevelledMobs");
        if (levelledMobsPlugin == null) return 0;
        NamespacedKey levelKey = new NamespacedKey(levelledMobsPlugin, "level");
        return Objects.requireNonNullElse(
                livingEntity.getPersistentDataContainer().get(levelKey, PersistentDataType.INTEGER),

Elegant Solution

public class LevelledMobsManager {
    private final Boolean levelledMobsIsInstalled;
    private NamespacedKey key;

    public LevelledMobsManager(){
        Plugin levelledMobsPlugin = Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("LevelledMobs");
        levelledMobsIsInstalled = levelledMobsPlugin != null && levelledMobsPlugin.isEnabled();

        if (levelledMobsIsInstalled){
            key = new NamespacedKey(levelledMobsPlugin, "level");

    public boolean hasLevelledMobsInstalled(){
        return levelledMobsIsInstalled != null && levelledMobsIsInstalled;

    public int getLevelledMobsMobLevel(Entity entity){
        if (!hasLevelledMobsInstalled()) return 0;

        Integer mobLevel = entity.getPersistentDataContainer().get(key, PersistentDataType.INTEGER);
        return Objects.requireNonNullElse(mobLevel, 0);

Integrating into CustomDrops Sample

Below is a sample bit of code which uses the CustomDrops system of LevelledMobs via the API

    private void testCustomDrops(){
        ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(Material.NETHERITE_SWORD);
        ItemMeta meta = itemStack.getItemMeta();
        assert meta != null;
        meta.setDisplayName("Cool Netherite Sword");
        meta.setLore(List.of("Created via API"));

        // https://arcaneplugins.github.io/LevelledMobs/3.9.3/me/lokka30/levelledmobs/LevelledMobs.html
        LevelledMobs lm = LevelledMobs.getInstance();

        // https://arcaneplugins.github.io/LevelledMobs/3.9.3/me/lokka30/levelledmobs/customdrops/CustomDropItem.html
        CustomDropItem customDropItem = new CustomDropItem(lm); // must pass instance to LevelledMobs main class

        // these options correspond to many of the item specific options shown here:
        // https://github.com/ArcanePlugins/LevelledMobs/wiki/Documentation---customdrops.yml
        customDropItem.chance = 1.0F;
        customDropItem.equippedSpawnChance = 1.0F;

        // https://arcaneplugins.github.io/LevelledMobs/3.9.3/me/lokka30/levelledmobs/customdrops/CustomDropInstance.html
        final CustomDropInstance customDropInstance = new CustomDropInstance(EntityType.ZOMBIE);
        // mob specific options can be set on customDropInstance

        // the drop is now registered just as if it were in customdrops.yml

        main.getLogger().info("Added a new drop for zombie");

Last updated